
Stutterma samfella ullar/silki græn

5.590 ISK
5.590 ISK -5.590 ISK (%)
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Hitastillandi eiginleikar ullarinnar í bland við einstaka mýkt silkisins er dásamleg blanda!

GOTS vottuð 70% lífræn merino ull og 30% silki

Smellurnar innihalda ekki nikkel

Þvoið á 30°C á kerfi fyrir viðkvæman þvott eða ullarþvott

The Body 1/1 sleeve is a popular garment for every season: in the summer a long-sleeved top, in the winter comfortable underwear. With the snap fasteners in the crotch it is adjustable in size and therefore grows with your child. Also well suitable even for bulky cloth nappies. The fine rib is gentle to the skin and especially stable in shape.
The thermo-regulating effect of wool, combined with the unique softness of silk – a precious mix!
For our underwear, this ökotex certified material is particularly convenient because the demanding baby’s and children‘s skin, in constant direct contact with the fabric, is protected in a most natural way.


Frí heimsending ef verslað er fyrir 20.000kr eða meira.

Afhendingartími er alla jafna 1-3 virkir dagar með Dropp


  • Auðvelt að skipta svo lengi sem varan er ónotuð. Af öryggisástæðum er ekki hægt að skila bílstólum eða base-um.