
Laundry Bag Pail Liner

2.490 ISK
2.490 ISK -2.490 ISK (%)

  • Storage for the home: The Pail Liner is hung in a trash can and is ideal for storing used diapers at home until the next wash.

  • Easy to use: Collect diapers, take them to the washing machine and turn over the Pail Liner - they can be washed without touching the dirty diapers.

  • Perfect size: The Pail Liner offers space for about 20-25 used diapers - so it is ideal as a laundry bag for the home. Suitable for trash cans with up to 50l volume.

  • Particularly clean: Double-folded and sewn fabric on the inside. So no smell or moisture can penetrate to the outside and the unpleasant odors remain in the trash can.

  • Sustainable: The fabric comes from other European countries and is made of recycled polyester.

  • Durable: Can also be used as a reusable garbage bag Pail Liner, i.e. long beyond the wrapping time.

  • Easy to clean: Simply throw the Pail Liner into the washing machine after use. Can be washed at 40-60°, while low temperatures protect the materials.

  • Quick-drying: Can be reused very quickly after washing.

  • Midwife tip: If any leaking odors bother you, just put the trash can on the balcony or in the garden. Even with conventional trash cans for disposable diapers, an unpleasant smell comes out at some point.


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