
Flísrenningar 7 í pakka

2.490 ISK
2.490 ISK -2.490 ISK (%)

Mjúkur flísrenningur sem heldur raka frá húð barnsins. Flísrenningurinn hefur stay dry eiginleika og er 100% polyester. Einfaldar þrif á kúkableyjum ☺️ 

Ath. Myndin sýnir nokkra flísrenninga en þessi er seldur stakur. Þeir eru einnig seldir 7 saman í pakka.

Hér eru nánari upplýsingar af vefsíðu Hinzling

  • Dryness: The Staydry fleece is a thin, hardly absorbent and reusable insert made of 100% microfibre, which gives the child a dry feeling. It is ideal to use as the top layer in the diaper.

  • Particularly clean: The excretions are caught very well with the fleece insert and can be disposed of in the toilet without much effort. To do this, remove the fleece from the diaper and shake it out over the toilet. Then it goes in the wash.

  • Protective function: If the baby does need cream on its sensitive buttocks, the fleece protects the inserts underneath from soiling from the cream, which can limit absorbency.

  • Absorbency: The fleece itself has little absorbency, so it should not be used as the sole insert.

  • Use: The stay dry fleece is ideal as the top pad in the diaper, as it catches excretions well and gives the baby a dry feeling. Have a look on this page , we have listed a few possible combinations for you.

  • Midwife tip:  The polyester fabric makes the baby feel dry, so the night can be extended.


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  • Auðvelt að skipta svo lengi sem varan er ónotuð. Af öryggisástæðum er ekki hægt að skila bílstólum eða base-um.