
Bambus Booster

1.390 ISK
1.390 ISK -1.390 ISK (%)
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Give your nappy a boost with one of our bamboo boosters. 

Cloth nappy boosters are used in all-in-one, all-in-two, flat, fitted and pocket nappies to add extra absorbency. They are the key to using cloth nappies successfully without any leaks. 

The bamboo booster absorbs quicker than the hemp so it can be placed anywhere in/on your nappy whilst the hemp should be placed under any other absorbent parts.

The insert needs a minimum of 6 washes until they reach an ideal absorbency.

Bamboo Booster: 4 layers of 70% bamboo and 30% cotton

Size: 31cm x 13cm(longest width) 10cm (shortest width)


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