
Nappy Pod blautpoki

4.590 ISK
4.590 ISK -4.590 ISK (%)
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By popular demand we bring to you our Nappy Pod!

Our nappy pod has been designed to make changing times a breeze.

When hanging using the unique double straps (i.e over pram handles), the pod will open from the top to bottom meaning that you can stack your gorgeous nappies in horizontally and easily pick them out when needed fast and efficiently.

Inside you can store between 5-6 nappies comfortably.

Want to get more out of your nappy pod? here are some extra use ideas for it:

  • Swim Wear
  • Snacks on days out
  • Extra clothes - Potty training essentials!
  • Toys

External is waterproof and fully machine washable.


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