
Bómullar Hinzling Prefold

1.690 ISK
1.690 ISK -1.690 ISK (%)
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Mjúkt 100% bómullar prefold frá Hinzling. Ítarlegri upplýsingar af vefsíðu Hinzling:

  • Leakproof : The prefold is an absorbent pad consisting of two or three layers of fabric, which is divided into three parts. The folding gives you a six or nine-layer, particularly absorbent pad.

  • Natural:  Our prefolds are made of natural materials that are produced in Germany. All layers are made of cotton.

  • High-quality materials: The fabrics are particularly fluffy. Even after several washes they are still very soft.

  • Easy to care for:  The prefolds can be washed at 60° and are then clean and ready for use again. The fabrics are quick-drying (12-20h), which means they can simply be air-dried and do not necessarily have to be tumble dried.

  • Perfect shape:  A prefold fits perfectly into the overpants with straps and can be fixed in the overpants with these. The absorbent pad shrinks about 12% when washed. The fact that the fabric shrinks is taken into account in the cutting, only then do the prefolds fit perfectly.

  • Sustainable: The insoles were designed in Germany and are manufactured in Poland. This is how we guarantee short production routes. The fabric itself is made in Germany, from weaving the yarn to making the fabric.

  • Use: The prefold is ideal for quick winding and high suction power. It is therefore also optimally suited for a long changing interval, eg at night.

  • Midwife  's tip: The prefold guarantees fast diaper changing and long diaper changing intervals, especially at night. The natural material from Germany is particularly convincing.


Frí heimsending ef verslað er fyrir 20.000kr eða meira.

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  • Auðvelt að skipta svo lengi sem varan er ónotuð. Af öryggisástæðum er ekki hægt að skila bílstólum eða base-um.