
Bubble Gum Hinzling Cover

3.990 ISK
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  • Hinzling bleyjurnar eru seldar stakar / í sitthvoru lagi, án innleggs. Skeljarnar frá Hinzling eru með sniðuga hönnun, þær hafa stækkanlega / minnkanlega teygju um lærin sem festist í tölu. Það er sjaldgæfur en vinsæll eiginleiki sem ekki margar bleyjur á markaðnum hafa. Bleyjan er með auka bakteygju að innan en hún kemur í veg fyrir leka upp á bak. Efnin sem fara upp að hún barnsins jersey stay dry efni og ræður þú hvort innlegg sé sett undir flipana eða haft ofaná.

    Aðalatriði sem okkur finnst vera það besta við Hinzling bleyjurnar: PULið er svakalega mjúkt og lipurt. Bleyjan er alls ekki bulky en passar samt mjög vel á stór börn en líka mjög lítil börn því PULið krumpast svo vel saman. Sniðið á þessari bleyju er ef til vill það besta sem við höfum prófað hingað til. Við hlökkum til að heyra hvað þér finnst!

    Þvottaleiðbeiningar segja max 60° í þvott / ekki nota þurrkara.

  • Ítarlegri upplýsingar af versíðu Hinzling:
  • High-quality materials: The fabric we have chosen is particularly soft and cuddly. This is how the baby or Toddler especially well. The snaps on the inside are attached in such a way that they are not visible and do not disturb the sensitive baby skin.

  • Sustainable: The fabric is made of recycled polyester, which is woven, printed and laminated in Europe. The inside is made of PUL. It can be easily wiped off and does not have to be washed every time.

  • Leak-proof: due to the wide back cuffs, the diapers are particularly safe from leakage, so that the clothes and the child remain dry. Due to the high-quality polyurethane coating, the overpants are breathable and at the same time waterproof.

  • Good support and dry feeling: Due to the tabs on the stomach and back, the insole remains nice and firm in the overpants and does not slip. Due to the polyurethane device on the underside, the moisture is not directed outwards. In addition, the Coolmax fabric, which feels dry on the front and back tabs, even when it has become damp. So the child has a good feeling.

  • Durable: We process a double PUL layer so that the overpants can be used for a particularly long time.

  • Easy to use: The overpants come with an insole. This is how it is put on for the baby, the snaps are closed and you are ready to go.

  • Individual size adjustment through adjustable leg cuffs: due to the large number of snaps on the abdomen, the size can be adjusted individually. We have dispensed with the reduction snaps in the step. You can adjust the length of the overpants with the rubber on the leg. Thus, the size adjustment is particularly variable and the snaps do not open uncontrollably when wrapping the child.

  • Particularly soft: the fabric and the rubbers are chosen in such a way that they are particularly cuddly and soft. This hardly creates any impressions.

  • Pollutant-free: Our fabric is free of harmful substances and therefore safe for babies. It meets the requirements of the Oekotex Standard 100 (class 1).

  • Special freedom of movement: The diaper has been designed in such a way that it fits particularly narrowly and hardly applies. So your baby is not restricted in his freedom of movement.

  • Midwife tip: especially for narrow babies and toddlers, the diapers already fit very well

    • Materials: 100% recycled polyester with polyurethane coating
    • Suitable for: Babies and toddlers from approx. 6kg to approx. 15kg
    • Washing: Wash at 60° - No fabric softener, no chlorine bleaching, no use fragrances - Spin at a maximum of 1000 revolutions - Use full detergent - Do not tumble dry - Do not store and dry in the sun
    • Drying time: approx. 6-12h           
    • Material origin: Poland
    • Production: Poland
    • Certificates: All components meet Ökotex Standard 100 (Class 1)
    • Scope of delivery: 1 cloth diaper with or without suction insert
    • Closure: Snaps


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