
Bómullarflís galli

9.990 ISK
9.990 ISK -9.990 ISK (%)
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Bómuallarflís gallinn er yndislega mjúkur, gerður út 100% lífrænt GOTS vottaðri bómull.

ATH. Flísgalli úr bómull en ekki polyester

The Baby overall is made from certified cotton fleece fabric and ideal for the cold season and the in-between seasons. With one zipper on the front running down the leg, the Baby Overall can be completely hinged and ensures, especially in lying position, easy dressing. The hood is lined with soft cotton interlock, for high comfort. Cuffs on leg and sleeve-ends protect from the cold.

The limited-edition „COTTON FLEECE“ is lovingly handcrafted under fair conditions in our sewing facility in Hungary. Certifi ed according to GOTS (global-standard.org) and OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100, product class 1 (oeko-tex.com).

Bómullarflís, GOTS vottuð 100% lífræn bómull

Þolir 40°C


Frí heimsending ef verslað er fyrir 20.000kr eða meira.

Afhendingartími er alla jafna 1-3 virkir dagar með Dropp


  • Auðvelt að skipta svo lengi sem varan er ónotuð. Af öryggisástæðum er ekki hægt að skila bílstólum eða base-um.